Breathing Thanksgiving

Breathing Thanksgiving

Tonight with a tense tone, a newscaster raised his tone saying, “Thanksgiving turkeys are going to cost more this year. Even vegetables will cost more.” Looking nervous he whispered, “Get those Christmas toys now because there will be a toys shortage and your children will be upset if that special toy is missing.” This was the same night that we had a Nor’easter storm that left parts of the East coast flooded and in the dark. I know that the newscaster was doing his job of repeating the worst parts of life. Then I had to do my job. I whispered thank you to God for what I had. Now, I will admit when my favorite crumpets are out at the store or there is a shortage of chicken thighs I do not always appear thankful, but I regroup as I pick up english muffins or dried beans. In the grocery line,I breathe to God, "Thank you”. I have learned to breathe thank you when there is less. I have learned to breathe thank you when I sit up in the morning light. I have learned to breathe thank you when there is still gas in the car. I have learned to breathe thank you when a call or text comes from my sister and her family. In the face of the creeping darkness of the fall and which makes me sad, I am trying to breathe a thank you. I keep breathing out Psalms 31:5a “Into your hands I commit my spirit.” I breathe in Psalms 31 5b in “deliver me, Lord, my faithful God.” I do this my breathing thank you prayer because I have a faithful God who has held me, delivered me and provided for me when supplies were short and there appeared to be less. When shiny toys are not available, or there is no turkey on my table or Christmas tree in the foyer, I am thankful that I will have blessings from God Father,God Son and God Holy Ghost. As we move toward the Thanksgiving festival of football and food, please join me offering thankful breaths to our God, who supplies all. 


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