Waiting for Jesus the light of the world

Advent: Waiting for Jesus, the light of the world

The Advent wreath began as a German and Scandinavian home devotional practice used to mark the four weeks of Advent. Families would light a candle for each past week and the current week at their dinner or evening time of prayer. In the late 19th century candles needed to be larger and more uniform in color to fit with other décor in the church sanctuary.

This led to assigning the themes, Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace, to each week. Advent wreaths have purple or blue candles for three Sundays . The third Sunday is "Gaudete" or "Joy Sunday and churches use rose or pink colored candles. On Christmas Eve, the Christ candle is lit. We can reclaim the original home use of marking time with the hope of increasing light as we await the return of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World who was, and is, and is to come. God’s blessings attend you, always

Rev. Imani


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