
To give and donate to Greenwood please use the link included… Just click on link or (copy link to browser)


Greenwood Memorial UMC, MA

Facebook Page, Facebook live and youtube

Conference call: 605-313-6192—code #325460

Food Pantry:Tuesdays 8-11:00am @450 Washington St, Dorchester, MA(The Daily table building)

Bible Study: Tuesdays @7:00pm(TBA)

Adult Sunday School Saturdays @6:00pm Free Conference call 605-313-6192

Prayer Meeting: Wednesday@7:00pm Conference call

Daily Noon Prayer meeting Monday to Friday(Free conference call 605-313-6192

Church Council Meetings: Tuesday September 28th 7:30pm(Virtual Zoom)TBA

Food Pantry Tuesdays 8:00-11:00am 450 Washington St. Dorchester MA

Sunday School on going-Adult classes on conference call at 7:00pm—Wednesdays—-Youth classes

Greenwood Shalom Program for Children…Monday to Friday.In person and virtual academic support programs. STEM(science) programs and family support.Call 617-282-1464

Conference Resource Day-What can we still do?…..

Call to Prayer for Congregation Members of Greenwood Memorial UMC

Please mask and observe social distancing. 

Congregation members are invited to pray to God for 25 minutes in the sanctuary .

Would you please offer 5 minutes of Praise?

Would you please offer 15 minutes of Prayer Petitions?

Would you please offer 5 minutes of Thanksgiving?

The twenty-five  minutes time request is to assure the safety of all in the sanctuary.

Congregation members who cannot come to the Sanctuary are invited to pray from their home or business for 25 minutes.



You may anoint YOURSELF with HOLY OIL.  Anoint your ears and mouth.

Anoint your eyes and ask God to help you see His will for you and the church. 


We are praying for God:

  • To help us be stronger Christian disciples

  • To unify us through the Holy Spirit

  • To heal the church body and all of our members.

  • To the strengthen of our ministers and leaders.

  • To guide our church as we Move Forward in uncertain times.

   Questions please call  Minister Eneida Matthews Ramadeen

  Guiding Scriptures

  Galatians 6:2, Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.

  Ephesians 4:15, Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.

Psalm 18:6, 16, 18, 28; In my distress, I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple, he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. … He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. … They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. … You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.

  The Healing Message from the SPRC Healing Response Team

Our hope for our Church Family, as we go through the healing waters needed to wash away the hurt and cleanse our wounds, is that we continue to trust God. We rejoice always that we maintain our faith and believe that God can do all things. As we continue to heal, we want to stay on this journey together. We all don’t heal at the same pace, and some are way ahead of others, but we agree to stay connected and demonstrate compassion for each other. We need to remain committed to each other--as a church family. We will continue to work together and respect each other. We want to be faithful on our collective journey, and whether we may run or crawl along the way, but it is TOGETHER in partnership! 

Sunday Services

April 7th Sunday morning service at 11:00am in person Rev. Imani preacher

Lithurgist J. Mack

Building Tellers-C. Lowe, M.Amaya, R.Williams

Ushers- B Robert A Griffith

April 14th Sunday morning service 11:00am in person Rev. Imani preacher

Lithurgist- C.Mack

Finance Tellers- D.Rawlins, A. Merren

Building Tellers- C. Lowe, M.Amaya, R. Williams

Ushers- Y. Warner E. Sprout

April 21st morning service 11:00am in person Rev. Imani preacher

Lithurgist- L.Fergus

Finance Tellers- D. Rawlins, A. Merren

Building Tellers- C.Lowe, M.Amaya, R. Williams

Ushers-H. Galloway M. Johnson

April 28th Morning Service 11:00am with Rev. Imani preacher

Ushers-A. Merren J. Le

Lithurgist -R.Knight

Ushers-A. Merren, Jose Letona

May 5th Morning Service 11:00am Rev. Imani preacher

Usher: Galloway, Griffiths

Lithurgist:E. Ramdeen

May 12th Morning Service 11:00am Rev Imani Preacher


May 19th Morning Service 11:00am Rev. Imani Preacher


May 26th Morning Service 11:am Rev. Imani Preacher



Sacraments of the Church Holy Communion will be consecrated and received at home on the first Sunday.


Baptism can be scheduled in the sanctuary or in the outside church space or off-site

Sunday Worship Guidelines

Please note for the Sanctuary and following State guidelines: To keep us safe, 30 seats are set aside to accommodate families and individuals.

As you enter church, please look for building entrances and exits for your safety.

Please wear a mask in the church. No eating or drinking in the Sanctuary. No Choir or congregational singing –

Offertory Collection

Offertory Collection: Follow Finance Committee procedures for church contributions – give plus church or mail or other methods.

Altar Flowers

Altar Flowers: The Worship Team invites you to purchase flowers for the altar.

Please contact Minister Powell.


Parents and Guardians: No child should be in any part of the building without appropriate adult supervision especially during worship.

Members, please remove rubbish, turn off lights, check doors and lock the building before you leave.

Shalom Tutoring and After School Program…Monday-Friday 2-6pm

Food Pantry, Tuesday from 8-11:00 am

Bible Study,Tuesdays, details to be announced

Wednesday evening Prayer meetings, held on free conference call at 7:00pm

Monthly Friday Church Council Zoom meeting 7:00pm…Date to be announced

Please see Newsletter for more information within the Church family

You can also donate and give on the link included…..—Just click on link or copy and paste to your browser