Attending Worship
Welcome to Greenwood Memorial United Methodist Church!
We are excited to welcome you to worship with us, whether in person or virtually. Below, you’ll find everything you need to know to attend our services safely and meaningfully.
How to Attend Worship
In-Person Services
Join us for in-person worship at Greenwood Memorial UMC, located at 378 Washington St, Dorchester, MA 02124. Please arrive at 10:45 AM to prepare for the service, which starts promptly at 11:00 AM.
Virtual Worship Options
If you prefer to join us online, you can participate through the following:
Facebook Live: facebook.com/greenwoodumc378a
Free Conference Call: Dial (605) 313-6192, and use access code 325460#
Website Live Stream: greenwoodmemorial.org/live-stream
Sanctuary Guidelines for In-Person Worship
To ensure the safety and well-being of everyone, please follow these guidelines when attending worship in person:
Entering the Church
Sanitize your hands at the entrance.
Please wear a mask at all times inside the sanctuary.
Sign in with an usher or a Re-Entry Committee member for contact tracing purposes.
No eating or drinking is allowed in the sanctuary.
Seating Arrangements
Seating is limited to marked pews to maintain social distancing.
Please do not lower the cushions.
The front pews are reserved for the Media Team only.
You can place your offerings in the offertory box, or use any of the usual electronic giving methods.
Worship Practices in the Sanctuary
Hymns will be played, but we ask that you listen rather than sing.
The Passing of the Peace will be done from your pew to maintain physical distance.
We will recite the Doxology and Gloria Patri instead of singing.
During the Lord's Prayer, we will remain in our pews and pray together as one community.