Resurrection Sunday
We had a beautiful Resurrection Sunday at Greenwood on March 31. Everyone who attended our service brought a joy rooted in the risen Christ.
It was beautiful having family and friends worship with us in person, on Facebook, on Livestream, and on Free Conference Call. I hope you are still sharing the blessing of Resurrection Sunday and thinking how great it is to have a loving relationship with the Lord. However, our Easter praise is not over. Easter is not just one day—it's a season of 50 days, between Passover and Pentecost (which means fiftieth in Judaism.) Becoming close to God will be our focus for prayer, discussions, and worship. Singing hymns is a powerful way to strengthen our desire to be closer to God.
As we enter this season, perhaps congregation members might suggest hymns to Mr. Francis that celebrate our closeness to God. Singing hymns is another way to remind ourselves that we want to be closer to God. I think of hymns such as, Close To Thee-UMH, No. 407, or Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross- UMH#301 time of year. Perhaps members can suggest hymns for this time of year. Perhaps members can suggest hymns for worship to Mr. Francis Pastor’s Desk Continue…. I used to write a lot of poetry when I was a teenager. I have little time to write, but I still like to read poems. Poetry gives us images and words that offer closure to our lives.
These Easter poems remind me to look around me as I emerge from the Lenten journey into the renewed season to appreciate love and life through the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Rev. Imani