Endings and Beginings


This is the season of endings when skeletal trees begin to show off, their green bushes bloom, and flowers surprise us every day with their brilliance. Seeds in gardens begin to sprout, teasing our taste buds with what is to become.

This is the season for endings and beginnings as people celebrate achievements and graduations. This is the season for teachers to end the long and weary commitment to nurturing children with courage and conviction every day.

This is a season when we thank God for ending another COVID season as we begin another. This is the season for endings and beginnings as families face grief and heartbreak and begin each day with a prayer for the life-giving Spirit and hope.

This is the season when we pray for the ending of senseless violence and the beginning of prayer and action that reminds others that people should not be killed because of their skin color, religion, or just because.

This is the season of Pentecost when Holy Spirit reminds us that renewal is always available. Therefore, our endings that seem so hopeless change into unexpected beginnings by the Spirit of God. Holy Spirit will not be defeated. Therefore, look for blessed endings and beginnings in our church, in the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church, the larger United Methodist Church, and the world. 


I will set my face towards Jerusalem


Legend of the Dogwood