The Day of Resurrection

The Day Of Resurrection Poet: John of Damascus

The day of resurrection! Earth, tell it out abroad;

The passover of gladness,

The passover of God.

From death to life eternal,

From this world to the sky,

Our Christ hath brought us over

With hymns of victory.

Our hearts be pure from evil,

That we may see aright

The Lord in rays eternal Of resurrection light,

And, list'ning to His accents,

May hear, so calm and plain,

His own "All hail!" and, hearing,

May raise the victor strain.

Now let the heav'ns be joyful,

Let earth her song begin,

Let the round world keep triumph

And all that is therein; Invisible and visible,

Their notes let all things blend;

For Christ the Lord hath risen -

Our Joy that hath no end.

A Special Thank You

From the Camara Family, we want to thank the Greenwood Memorial community for prayer and care after we had to vacate the patronage on the evening of February 5, 2023. With your help, we are now housed. We Strove to serve Christ to the best of our ability in many challenging times since February 5. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we have faced trials. However; Holy Spirit has prevailed; and “still we serve God in season and out of season.” Bless you all for your faithfulness, and thank you for your continued prayers in our time of transition. To God be the Glory.

Rev. Imani


God is Love


Praying towards the East